Office of University Housing

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Living-Learning Community (LLC)

Application Deadline: May 1, 2021

The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health Living-Learning Community (LLC) is for first year (freshman) students who have an interest in pursuing careers in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The Pharmacy LLC is a unique opportunity for pre-professional pharmacy learners to fully explore their chosen career path, develop as leaders during their matriculation, and successfully transition to the college environment.

The College of Pharmacy has a rich history of producing high caliber graduates capable of providing exceptional pharmaceutical care. Our curriculum focuses on academic excellence, research superiority, and community service which allows us to prepare students for leading roles in the practice of pharmacy, research, and public health.

The Pharmacy LLC is an opportunity for pre-professional learners to begin building a network early. Not only will learners live with students of the same discipline and receive support academically, but they will also be exposed to a variety of opportunities to connect with current professional learners (Peer Mentors), administrators, faculty, and staff within the College and across the University.

**Freshmen that have been accepted into the pre-professional pharmacy program are encouraged to apply.**


Interested students must submit a one-page personal statement that focuses on the following questions:

1.  Why are you interested in the Pharmacy LLC?
2.  What will your contributions be to the Pharmacy LLC and the field of Pharmacy?

To apply complete the online Housing Application and click on the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences link.

Contact Info

1735 Wahnish Way
Suite 305
Tallahassee, FL 32307

P: 850.599.3651
F: 850.561.2620



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